Engage students with dyslexia in video-based learning activities

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016     |     PP. 15-35      |     PDF (603 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 21, 2016
DOI:    396 Downloads     4765 Views  


Antonio Giardi, University of Florence, Department of Information Engineering Via S. Marta 3 - 50139 FLORENCE - ITALY; Department of Social Political and Cognitive Sciences Via Roma 56-53100 - SIENA - ITALY.

The aim of this paper is to focus reader's attention on “mobile” use of iTunesU and USiena model, as future compensatory tools. Starting from multimedia learning theories, a mobile course model has been designed (USiena model) and the experimental method has been used to carry out a “pilot study” with 32 dyslexic students. The goal of experimentation was to investigate how iTunesU associated with USiena model influences learning. The experimental hypothesis was that the proposed design solution would favor the contents transmission compared to the "talking book" improving learning and proposing (iTunesU and USiena model) as a possible compensatory tool for the future. Two audio contents have been recorded, two video contents have been produced (with USiena model) and the learning level has been compared. The obtained results confirmed the experimental hypothesis.

Mobile, Mobile learning, iTunesU, Dyslexia, Compensatory tool

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Antonio Giardi, Engage students with dyslexia in video-based learning activities , SCIREA Journal of Safety Science and Technology. Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 15-35.


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