Growth performance, feed conversion and gross margin analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Valley Dam Based Floating Cages in Semi-Arid Karamoja Sub-Region of Uganda
DOI: 10.54647/fisheries24010 77 Downloads 1498 Views
Growth indices, environmental parameters and profitability of aquaculture practices facilitate policy development for regulation of commercial aquaculture activities in public waters bodies. An experiment to evaluate growth performance, feed conversion, gross profit and environmental impacts of Nile tilapia culture under four different density treatments (A,B,C &D) using sinking compound feeds, was conducted in floating net cages placed in a valley dam. The four treatments were each assigned to an 8 m3 floating cage in duplicate for five months. Highest mean body mass of 311.49±114.6 g was obtained from treatment A which had lowest stocking density while treatment C registered the lowest body mass of 138±40.2 g. Highest growth rate of 2.6% BWday-1 while the lowest specific growth value of 2.0% BWday-1was recorded in treatment C, while the best condition of 1.9 and worst of 0.6 were recorded in treatments B and D, respectively. The best feed conversion ratio (1.5 kg) and highest profitability of Uganda shillings (Ushs) 945,086 while the worst feed conversion of 3.3 kg and lowest profitability of 69,033 Ushs were obtained from treatments A and D respectively. Water quality did not (P>0.05) influence fish growth significantly. The study reveals the possibility of commercial aquaculture venture in valley dams in Karamoja sub-region.
Specific growth rate, fish condition, FCR, profitability
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Constantine Chobet Ondhoro, Moses Ndugua, Paul Boma, Charles Byaruhanga, Faustine Odeke, George Egayu, Emmanuel Ojan, Gerald Osipa, Ismail Kagolola, Paul Okullo,
Growth performance, feed conversion and gross margin analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Valley Dam Based Floating Cages in Semi-Arid Karamoja Sub-Region of Uganda
, SCIREA Journal of Fisheries.
Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-19.
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