Volume 1, Number 1 (2023)
Year Launched: 2023
Previous Issues

International Journal of Instruments and Instrumentation (ISSN: )

International Journal of Instruments and Instrumentation is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open access journal published online by SCIREA.

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Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023

Open Access
Shengjie Li, Junwu Kan, Xuyuan Shen
Abstract: In order to meet the self-power demand of wireless monitoring system and network in agricultural remote sensing monitoring system, and avoid the environmental pollution and water waste caused by battery production and waste battery, a magnetically coupled piezoelectric rotary generator was proposed. The piezoelectric vibrat
Abstract       References PDF (517 k) 63 Downloads     84813 Views     DOI: 10.54647/ijii6091001