Information infrastructure , market-oriented environmental regulation and high-quality green innovation of enterprises
DOI: 10.54647/economics790424 79 Downloads 174063 Views
We take China A-share listed companies from 2006 to 2020 as samples to empirically test the mechanism that information infrastructure and market-based environmental regulation affect high-quality green innovation of enterprises.We find that the information infrastructure significantly promotes high-quality green innovation of enterprises, and market-oriented environmental regulation positively moderates the relationship between them; The mechanism test shows that the increase of R&D funds and personnel in enterprises under market-oriented environmental regulation will stimulate high-quality green innovation; The heterogeneity test shows that the information infrastructure is more effective for the high-quality green innovation of enterprises in the eastern and central regions; Further analyses shows that the level of executive salary incentive and risk-taking can enhance high-quality green innovation of enterprises, and the complementary role of command-oriented environmental regulation to market-oriented environmental regulation is not statistically significant. Our findings provide theoretical basis for China to improve information infrastructure and market environment regulation to promote high-quality green innovation of enterprises.
Information infrastructure; Green innovation; Market-oriented environmental regulation; Resource allocation
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Yude Xu, Xuan Meng, Jianmin Liu,
Information infrastructure , market-oriented environmental regulation and high-quality green innovation of enterprises
, SCIREA Journal of Economics.
Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2023 | PP. 189-221.
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