A Compact UWB Antenna Design for Tumor Detection in Microwave Imaging Systems
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In this paper, a new design of multi-resonance ultra-wideband (UWB) monopole antenna for microwave imaging systems is presented. The proposed antenna consist of a square radiating patch and a ground plane with pairs of rotated T-shaped strips protruded inside a pair of rectangular slots and an H-ring slot which provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 145% (2.3-15.2 GHz). The antenna has an ordinary square radiating patch, therefore displays a good omni-directional radiation pattern even at higher frequencies and also its radiation efficiency is greater than 85% across the entire radiating band. In the presented antenna structure, by cutting a pair of rectangular in the ground plane and also by embedding pairs of T-shaped strips inside the slots additional resonances at 2.5 GHz and 10.8 GHz can be achieved. In addition by employing an H-ring slot in the ground plane the fifth resonance at 14.7 GHz in generated. By using these modified structures at the proposed design, the usable upper frequency of the antenna is extended from 10.3 GHz to 15.2 GHz and the usable lower frequency of the antenna is decreased from 3.1 GHz to 2.3 GHz. Good return loss, fidelity factor, and radiation pattern characteristics are obtained in the frequency band of interest. Simulated and measured results are presented to validate the usefulness of the proposed antenna structure for UWB applications.
microstrip-fed monopole antenna, microwave imaging systems
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Naser Ojaroudi Parchin,
A Compact UWB Antenna Design for Tumor Detection in Microwave Imaging Systems
, SCIREA Journal of Electrics, Communication.
Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016 | PP. 72-84.
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