Structural-parametric models of electromagnetoelastic actuators for nano- and micromanipulators of mechatronic systems
DOI: 10.54647/mechanics13002 4375 Downloads 88667 Views
Structural-parametric models, parametric structural schematic diagrams, transfer functions of electromagnetoelastic actuators for nano- and micromanipulators are obtained. Effects of geometric and physical parameters of electromagnetoelastic actuators and external load on its dynamic characteristics are determined. For calculations mechatronic systems with piezoactuators of nano- and micromanipulators the parametric structural schematic diagrams and the transfer functions of piezoactuators are obtained. A generalized parametric structural schematic diagram of the electromagnetoelastic actuator is constructed.
Electromagnetoelastic actuator, deformation, nano- and micromanipulators, structural-parametric model, piezoactuator, parametric structural schematic diagram, transfer functions
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Sergey M. Afonin,
Structural-parametric models of electromagnetoelastic actuators for nano- and micromanipulators of mechatronic systems
, SCIREA Journal of Mechanics.
Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016 | PP. 64-80.
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