Effect of Mortar Bleeding on Surface Layer Permeability After Hardening
DOI: 10.54647/cebc560119 60 Downloads 100105 Views
In this study, we examined evaluation methods based on hydraulic flux measured with the permeability-testing device GWT-4000 and its relationship with bleeding, which affects surface layer quality. We also analyzed the effects on bleeding of the permeability distribution in the height direction of a sample. The results showed that the hydraulic flux q600 of the driving surface was higher than that of the bottom surface. Moreover, we could determine the bleeding effects. The hydraulic flux q600 of the bottom surface was strongly correlated to the amount of bleeding in the small container. It was also found that the hydraulic flux q600 only captured the permeability of the top-most layer, did not capture the effects due to the mix proportion factors in the height direction, and was primarily affected by the mold interface.
Bleeding, surface layer, permeability, permeability test, GWT-4000, hydraulic flux
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Yuto Horiuchi, Keita Hayashi, Ayumu Yasue, Shigeru Fujimori, Toshitsugu Inukai,
Effect of Mortar Bleeding on Surface Layer Permeability After Hardening
, SCIREA Journal of Civil Engineering and Building Construction .
Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2023 | PP. 65-80.
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