The enigma of the UFO named Tic Tac

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2023     |     PP. 1-28      |     PDF (1631 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 8, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/aa590059    83 Downloads     68337 Views  


Jean Varnier, Senior Research Engineer (i.r.) at The French Aerospace Research Center (ONERA, 92320 Châtillon, France); Senior Member of The French Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (3AF, 6 rue Galilée, 75116 Paris, France)

On November 14, 2004 off the coast of California, a major incident involved a US Navy fleet, comprising the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and the cruiser USS Princeton, and a “Tic Tac shaped” aerial vehicle which Nimitz's fighters intercepted two times, the first not far from the surface of the sea, the second at medium altitude. The case is known through testimonies from pilots and sailors, an authenticated video and an exhaustive study carried out in the USA by the Scientific Coalition for Ufology. The unknown vehicle appears capable of standing stationary, being animated with seemingly random movements, maneuvering to keep aircraft at bay, and escaping at very high speed. What is remarkable is the intentional appearance of the behavior of the vehicle, underlined by the witnesses and seeming to emanate from the analysis of the facts. Rather than examining performances that seem to escape what our knowledge of physics allows us to conceive, we hypothesize that the simple geometric shape of this strange vehicle could also convey an intention. The description of the object, the interpretations that have been made of it and the examination of the video allow us to define its shape in a plausible way. Theoretical calculations of surface, volume and compactness can be made from a minimum number of parameters, in particular the compactness with respect to the sphere which only involves the diameter to length ratio, the value of which can be deduced from the analysis of the video pictures with a reasonable uncertainty. Moreover, it seems that a somewhat forgotten universal constant may emanate from the proportions of the vehicle and is consistent with the previous hypothesis. This approach leads in any case to a surprising simplification of the established equations, and to the synthetic expression of their results according to this constant, namely the Golden Ratio phi, key to a geometric enigma as old as the one that led to the number pi.

Unidentified Flying Object ‐ USS Nimitz UFO Incident 2004 ‐ Analytical Geometry - Golden Ratio

Cite this paper
Jean Varnier, The enigma of the UFO named Tic Tac , SCIREA Journal of Aviation & Aerospace. Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2023 | PP. 1-28. 10.54647/aa590059


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