SCIREA Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ISSN: )

SCIREA Journal of Hydraulic Engineering is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open access journal published online by SCIREA.

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Open Access
Yujian Ping, Akoto Emmanuel, Huli Ren
Abstract: A water hammer experimental setup consisting of a 20m long pipe having 8 U-shaped 180¬0 bends is investigated for hydraulic transient. Experimental results are then compared to numerical results simulated by the Method of Characteristics (MOC) and the Wave Characteristic Method (WCM). It is found that one-phase flow one-di
Abstract       References PDF (2844672 k) 62 Downloads     6529 Views     DOI: 10.54647/hydraulic57030
Open Access
Abstract: Beyond the boundary and design criteria of Low Crested Breakwater (LCB), the success of LCB applications largely depends on the layout of the breakwater installation. The configuration of LCB includes vertical and horizontal positioning. Vertical layout related to the peak elevation position of the structure to the sea leve
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Open Access
Gong Chengyong, Zeng Yongliang, Li Rennian, Ma Xijin
Abstract: To explore the influence of the shape optimization of the forebay on energy conservation and consumption reduction of the pumping station, and analyze the mechanism of energy conservation and consumption reduction of the reconstruction of the pumping station forebay, the third pumping station forebay of Yanhuanding Water St
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Open Access
Jaji Abdurrosyid, Edi Purwanto, Renaningsih
Abstract: The Crest of weir is an important part of dam construction because the function is releasing water from the upstream part of the dam. The effect of a dam can create supercritical flow (supercritical) downstream of the weir and cause a water jump (hydraulic jump) which if left untreated will occur local scour the downstream.
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Open Access
Mendoza Cedeno Jorge Jhonny, Campos Cedeno Antonio Fermin, Mendoza Alava Junior Orlando
Abstract: The Rocafuerte canton, founded in the year 1852, is a town in the province of Manabí in the central west of its territory. Its main economic activity is carried out in the fields of agriculture, livestock and artisanal production of sweets, which are very well received at the National and international.One of the main probl
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Open Access
Sérgio Lousada, Eduardo Vasconcelos, André Moura, Leonardo Gonçalves
Abstract: Due to the increasing temperatures on the planet and its consequent reduction of water suitable for agriculture, the study of irrigation systems has become imperative, acessing its design and sustainable management. The aim of this work is to control water losses throughout the system, taking into consideration the feasibil
Abstract       References PDF (504093 k) 206 Downloads     7510 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Abstract: In this paper, the General Cellular Automata (GCA) method is proposed for the optimal design of sewer network problems with the fixed layout. The network nodes and upstream and downstream pipe cover depths are considered as CA cells and cell states, respectively, and the links around each cell are taken into account as neig
Abstract       References PDF (532480 k) 411 Downloads     9072 Views     DOI: